Changes in Passport

Changes in Passport : Name Change, Date of Birth Change, Addition or Deletion of Parents Name or Spouse Name, Change in Birth Place, Change of Sex, Change in Address.
NAME CHANGE : For getting New Changed Name in Paspport.
1. Change First in Aadhar as New Name.
2. Give Advt in 2 New papers in Your Local Area, One in English and One in Hindi Newspaper
3. Bring New Name on Pan Card (For Adults)
4. School ID with New Name Change.
ADDRESS CHANGE : New Address change on Aadhar and and on any one more documents like Bank Passbook, Voter ID, Utility Bill, Driving Licence etc.
DATE OF BIRTH CHANGE : New Date of Birth on Any Three Documents. (Date of Birth will only be changed within 5 Years of Issue of Passport, Not Possible thereafter).
New Date of Birth Should be on:
Aadhar Card and Any Two Documents from below:
1. Pan Card 2. Driving Licence 3. Voter ID Card 4. LIC Policy 5. Matric Certificate 6. Birth Cerificate 7. SC/ST Ceritificate 8. Pension Book
Aadhar Card of Spouse is required which mentions wife/husband name.
You can apply for few changes in passport and should have the following documents.
1. Passport Copy.
2. Aadhar Card on Present Address, where you are staying and police verification to be done.
3. Matriculation 10th Certificate or any other higher qualification which mentions your name.
4. Bank Passbook with Photo Pasted on front page.
5. Pan Card/Driving Licence/Voter ID (Any One in these)
6. Utility Bill on Current Adrress (Gas/Electricity/Telephone/Mobile Post Paid Bill/Water Bill. (Any One)
7. Wife/Husband Aadhar (For Married Applicants).
Send your documents by Whatspp on 9015-698-698 or email at
Disclaimer : We Will Only Help in Preparing the Documents and Will Never Promise for Issue of Passport as it will be the sole discretion of Passport Authority to Issue or Reissue the Passport.
Fees and Charges for Changes:
Normal Category : Rs 1500 Fee + Rs 1000 Service Charge = Rs 2500
Tatkaal Category : Rs 3500 Fee + Rs 1000 Service Charge = Rs 4500
Child Passport : Rs 1000 Fee + Rs 1000 Service Charge = Rs 2000
Contact Number:
Call Us at : 9015-354-354
or Whatsapp the Documents on 9015-698-698
(0900 Hrs to 1900 Hrs Only)
E Mail us at :